Case Study

Ambulance Staffing

TPGMedical take pride in helping you grow your ambulance paramedic staff, quickly and cost effectively.

At TPG Medical we can help you maximise the efficiency of your trust by increasing your trust crew. With greater efficiency you reduce the need for private ambulance companies.

Not only can we help you become more efficient, but we can also help you gain more control over your operations from clinicians to incidents and investigations.

Paramedic Ambulance Staffing Paramedic Ambulance Staff

At TPG Medical we provide dedicated paramedics to work on trust vehicles as part of double crewed ambulance. TPG Medical paramedics work shifts cohesively and effectively alongside Trust Emergency Medical Technicians or Emergency Care Assistants. Enabling you to respond quicker to 999 calls as directed by your clinical hub.

Looking for a bespoke paramedic solution? Submit your brief today...


Paramedic Job Accreditation
Ambulance Professional Accreditation
Paramedic Prescriber Jobs
Approved Paramedic Recruiter
Ambulance Professional Recruiter